Contact: Sr. Imelda Kelulu, MSC
E-mail: srimeldakelulu@gmail.com
Phone: 650-344-6884
Liturgy Committee exists to help the people of the parish
participate fully, consciously and actively in our liturgical
Liturgy Committee’s work falls into four broad categories:
i) Liturgical catechesis – The committee educates itself
about liturgy and shares this knowledge with the entire
worshipping community.
ii) Coordination of ministries – The committee is entrusted
with the recruitment, training, ongoing formation and
coordination of liturgical ministers.
iii) Creative preparation – Preparing the liturgy and the
seasons is a primary responsibility of the committee;
Lent-Triduum-Easter, Advent-Christmas, and the weekly
intercessions are our major areas of focus.
iv) Evaluation – Another primary role of the committee is to
evaluate the liturgical life of the parish, and adapt our
catechesis, liturgical ministries and preparation as needed to
enhance our communal worship.