Parishioners and Friends,
Thanks to all who came to
the Men's Club crab dinner
last weekend. It was a
very successful event.
It is always a joy to see
long time parishioners on
such occasions. Your
ongoing participation is
The next series for our
Bible Study participants
begins this Tuesday (2/11).
It will be a fascinating
look at the Biblical world.
Details for joining through
Zoom are in the weekly
Bulletin on this site.
New participants are always
The schedule of Masses
for this weekend is as
Saturday (vigil), February 8
5:00 PM - Fr. David Mees
Sunday, February 9
7:30 AM - Fr. John Ryan
9:00 AM - Fr. David Mees
10:30 AM - Fr. John Ryan
12 Noon - Fr. Jim MacDonald
For further parish
news, visit the weekly Bulletin on this site.
Continue praying for peace
in our world.
Fr. John Ryan