Parishioners and Friends,
The first presentation in our
two-part Lenten series will
be Monday, March 24 in
the Siena Room at 7:00 PM. Dr. Nikolaus
Hohmann will introduce us to
one of our great Saints, St. Benedict.
All who have heard Dr.
Nikolaus previously, know it
will be a fascinating look
at history and the impact
St. Benedict has in our
Christian lives today.
The second presentation will
be Monday, March 31.
The schedule of Masses
for this weekend is as
Saturday (vigil), March 22
5:00 PM - Fr. David Mees
Sunday, March 23
7:30 AM - Fr. John Ryan
9:00 AM - Fr. Jim MacDonald
10:30 AM - Fr. John Ryan
12 Noon - Fr. David Mees
For further parish
news, visit the weekly Bulletin on this site.
Continue praying for peace
in our world and for Pope
Fr. John Ryan